Admiral's Inn
Admiral's Inn
Available POA
Available POA
Fleeting Nocturne lo res.jpg
Cooling Off
Cooling Off
Meander - $595 - Sold -
Meander - $595 - Sold -
End of the Woods - SOLD - 20 x 16" Framed and Signed Giclee Prints Available $150
End of the Woods - SOLD - 20 x 16" Framed and Signed Giclee Prints Available $150
Dark Wood - SOLD
Dark Wood - SOLD
The Chat - $595 - Available
The Chat - $595 - Available
Red Truck
Red Truck
Four Gals on a Sofa
Four Gals on a Sofa
Four Gents on a Bench
Four Gents on a Bench
Grand Central - SOLD
Grand Central - SOLD
Deep in The Woods
Deep in The Woods
Miami Beach - Available POA
Miami Beach - Available POA
Venus After Titian
Venus After Titian
Admiral's Inn
Admiral's InnMonotype - Hanco Ink on Somerset Paper - approximately 14× 14” framed
Available POA
Available POA16 x20" image area
Fleeting Nocturne lo res.jpg
Cooling Off
Cooling OffAkua ink Monotype, 12x 8”, Printed on Mataki Paper, Available
Meander - $595 - Sold -
Meander - $595 - Sold - Color Monotype on Rives Paper - Akua ink
End of the Woods - SOLD - 20 x 16" Framed and Signed Giclee Prints Available $150
End of the Woods - SOLD - 20 x 16" Framed and Signed Giclee Prints Available $150Monotype Color
Dark Wood - SOLD
Dark Wood - SOLDMonotype color
The Chat - $595 - Available
The Chat - $595 - AvailableColor Monotype
Red Truck
Red TruckMonotype on Rives Paper - litho ink - framed 17.5” x 23”Please ask for price
Four Gals on a Sofa
Four Gals on a SofaMonotype - color SOLD
Four Gents on a Bench
Four Gents on a BenchMonotype color 11x14”. $650 - Available
Grand Central - SOLD
Grand Central - SOLDWatercolor Monotype 11x14” Sold
Deep in The Woods
Deep in The WoodsAkua ink Monotype on Mataki Paper, 12 x8” Available
Miami Beach - Available POA
Miami Beach - Available POAColor Monotype on Rives Paper - framed
Venus After Titian
Venus After TitianMonotype on Mataki Paper - Available on Artsy
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